How to Stay Sane When Life Gets Crazy

November 21, 2021

I’m Cason!
And I'm so glad you're here. My prayer is that these words give you hope in the everyday so that you can experience God's fullness in
every season.

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I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a lot of transitions happening in this season of life.

Sometimes when life gets this way, I find myself feeling super overwhelmed really quickly, and other times this is a gradual build.

However it happens, I find myself in the middle of a lot of transitions and changes, and suddenly it feels like out of nowhere all of this stress hits me. I try to juggle all of the transitions, and as the years have passed, I have started paying attention to different practices I must keep to stay say when life feels like its all over the place.

#1 – Stick to Your Morning Routine

If you haven’t checked it out, make sure to read 3 Reasons Why You Need a Morning Routine. As a mama, I really can’t emphasize enough the importance of a morning routine.

From planning out the day ahead, to simply having a few moments of quiet before the day begins, having a morning routine will change your life.

When life gets crazy, your morning routine will more than likely be the first thing you are tempted to drop. I get it, it’s early, and sometimes it feels like a few extra minutes in bed will solve all of our problems. But friend, that’s exactly WHY you need to keep your morning routine in place.

Having a consistent regular routine when the rest of your life feels out of control will absolutely help you stay grounded in the crazy.

#2 – Get Enough Sleep

I recognize, depending on your situation, this may not always be possible. Especially as a mama to littles.

We can’t always control everything around us, but we can control what we can control. This is my unpopular opinion: but do not stay up intentionally.

Get to bed at a decent time, so you aren’t battling the crazy of life on less sleep than you could be having.

Personally, when I don’t get enough sleep, my anxiety is triggered.

Control what you can control, by controlling what time you get to bed.

#3 – Fuel Your Body

Here’s the deal… When life gets stressful, it can be SUPER tempting to eat whatever we feel like. So many times, it is easy to find comfort in food. Ever heard of comfort food? Lol

But I have found for me personally, when I don’t eat junk food, my body actually feels better.

I don’t binge eat Cheetos and chocolate chip cookies, even though I’ve been craving more sweets. I know that if I allow junk into my body, I’m more likely to feel junky.

You don’t have to be perfect at this, but just take time to be mindful about what you are putting into your body. For some, carbs and sugar can actually induce anxiety.

Why promote anxiety whenever life is already giving you other reasons to feel anxious?

#4 – Make Time to Write

Oh, I can’t recommend this one enough. Journal, free-write, brain dump everything down with a pen and paper.

Get everything out.

When we actually make time and space to write down everything we are thinking, we are able to put some order to the chaos going on in our heads.

Sometimes writing things down is all it takes to feel a little more at peace about everything going on.

#5 – Breath Work and Meditation

Did you know that most of us go many days without actually really breathing? Seriously.

Breath work is becoming more and more popular because people are discovering the power behind actually slowing down to take some deep breaths.

You can pair this breath work with meditation, specifically.

Before you roll your eyes and tell me, “Cason, my brain never stops. I can’t actually sit down and think about nothing.” Know I’m not recommending you think about nothing.

Meditation is about being mindful.

When we slow down and take time to make room for quiet, we are more often than not, met with peace.

Turn your phone off, go to a quiet room in the house while your kids are napping, and just focus on your breathing.

Start by closing your eyes, and taking 10 deep breaths. Just try it!

See if you feel better after just a few moments of silence.

Control What You Can Control

Life gets crazy. It just does, and there’s no stopping it from getting crazy.

We can’t control our external circumstances, but we can control what we can control.

You’ve got this, mama! Remember, this season is not forever. You will not always feel like this.

Deep breaths, give yourself some grace!

If you feel like life is getting crazy, try these practical tips to help you feel a little more grounded.

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