practical encouragement that helps you calm the chaos and cultivate hope in every season

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Loving Your Body After Babies feat. Liz Henderson

Loving our bodies postpartum and even years after having babies can be a difficult thing to navigate. I’m so excited to have my friend Liz Henderson on today’s show to share her knowledge and expertise in this area.

We’ll talk about what’s it’s like to feel like a stranger in your own skin, wanting to feel like yourself again, and how impatient we can be with change and weight loss after delivery.

Liz reminds us we’re not alone in the unpredictability of motherhood and that there are many layers to healing, processing, and finding ourselves again after delivery. It does take time, but there are things you can do now, or as soon as you feel ready, to help support yourself in your healing journey and begin feeling like yourself again postpartum.

If you’re wondering where to start and how to begin loving your body after babies, this episode is for you! How does mindset play into health, wellness, and weight loss? It may be a bigger factor than you realize.

Lastly and maybe most importantly, we’ll talk about how to pick the ONE thing that is simple and sustainable for you and your life. Grab some earbuds or plug us into the car and let’s dive in!

Liz Henderson is a postpartum weight loss coach who helps moms get consistent and lose weight. She supports the moms in her community through their postpartum journey.

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I’m Cason!
And I'm so glad you're here. My prayer is that these words give you hope in the everyday so that you can experience God's fullness in
every season.

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Gimme that

Have you ever asked yourself “will this season of motherhood last forever?” “will I ever be able to do (fill in the blank) again? In this episode we will talk about how to shift your focus from where you are now, zoom out, and look at your life as a whole and how that gives us perspective to enjoy the season we’re in right now. Sometimes it feels like certain seasons of motherhood are never-ending. And it can be difficult to find perspective during those hard seasons.

How to not rush through that last story at bedtime, the last song she wants you to sing, the last hug or kiss he asks for.

I hope this episode reminds you of how quickly life and our seasons change – even though some days feel FOREVER long! Is it possible that one day, when they’re all grown up we’ll look back and think about how small this whole season of the little years truly was. So how can we be fully present and enjoy it right now? Put your earbuds in and get ready for a heart to heart from me to you.

We’ll laugh together and probably cry together in this one, mama. So grab the tissues and listen when you can feel any feels that may come up for you!

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What are boundaries? What do healthy boundaries look like in our everyday lives?

How can we define and set our own boundaries (and enforce them)? On today’s episode we’re scratching the surface on this topic, but I hope it’s practical and helpful for you in setting your own boundaries. I’ll even walk you through a simple step by step process for how to do this.

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Yep, you read that right! Grab you ear buds, mama, it’s story time.
Have you ever thought, “I wish I could just get away for a night or two and hang out with some girlfriends or even just be alone!”? In today’s episode I’m sharing why I decided to get away for a weekend… alone *gasp* and why you should give yourself permission to do the same.

Motherhood can be a lot. t can sometimes be overwhelming and heavy and draining. And while it’s important to make small pockets of alone time a regular thing, sometimes life happens, and those things aren’t always a regular occurrence.

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