Walking With God on the Mountaintop

November 6, 2021

I’m Cason!
And I'm so glad you're here. My prayer is that these words give you hope in the everyday so that you can experience God's fullness in
every season.

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This morning, I was sitting on my couch in the quiet. It was still dark outside and I began to pray. I was thanking God for who He is and His blessings in my life and as I prayed, I said this phrase… “God it’s nice to be walking with You on the mountaintop”.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve faced a lot of adversity in my life. I’ve gone through struggles and trials. I’ve walked through what felt like fire and the testing of my faith. During those times, as much as I’m embarrassed to admit, I wasn’t walking as closely with the Lord as I have been more recently in my life. (P.S – I don’t believe the two are related in any way. It’s possible to face struggles when walking closely with God. It is also possible to feel like life is rocking along without having an active relationship with Him.)

During those times when our circumstances feel desperate, it’s so easy to question whether or not God is with us. We often turn to Him for answers. I did. I have questioned my faith and the very existence of God and who He is a few times in my life. In this particular season, I didn’t have a living, growing relationship with Him. It was very stuck and stagnant. I was desperate. Operating out of the flesh, I was very much consumed with anxiety and fear. I let them rule my life rather than the peace of God. The enemy had me convinced that there was no other way.

Fast forward 3 years and through much prayer, hard work, intention, therapy, mindfulness, and God’s grace, I am in a completely different season in my life. I am walking with God on the mountaintop. And it is so nice. We often don’t feel like we need Him up here. It can feel easy and free when things seem to be going well. We say, “I think I’ve got it now, God. Thanks for bringing me out of that valley. I really needed you then, but I think I can handle this now.”. And we leave God between the pages of our Bibles that begin to collect dust again. 

I want to challenge you, regardless of your season, to pray and ask Him for a fresh wind in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to awaken your heart to the things of God. To see and hear Him in a new way every day. Because He is all around you and always working. Whether you’re on the mountaintop or deep in the valley, God is with you friend. We just have to look for him and decide to walk with Him.

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